    Overall design of PE-1600 jaw crusher
       Abstract:This paper mainly targets the design of simple pendulum jaw crusher,through understanding the development of its status in domestic and foreign, comparing advantages and disadvantages of simple pendulum and compound pendulum and other jaw crushers, an escellent performance ,simple pendulum is designed.  This paper introduces jaw crusher's development status and the significance of research, through comparativeanalysis, an overall program of simple pendulum jaw crusher characteristics of simple pendulum jaw crusher, analyses the structure of the main components,which include  insurance devices , adjustment devices, rack structure ,lubrication device and so on; later it com puts parameters of the machine(spindle speed, capacity, crushing strength, power and so on ) , thus the model of PE1600 is determined. Next the design verificationincludes a thrust plate,link,moving jaw, eccentric shaft, pulley and other important components. In addition, a brief introduction of the jaw crusher installation of major components, jaw crusher equipment failure analysis and treatment measures.
    Keywords:simple pendulum jaw crusher;  design.

    1绪论    5
     1.1 课题意义    5
     1.2 课题目的    5
     1.3 课题研究范围    6
    2文献综述    7
     2.1 国内发展情况    7
     2.2 国外发展情况    9
    3鄂式破碎机的分类    11
     3.1 简摆颚式破碎机      11
     3.2 复摆颚式破碎机    14
     3.3 综合摆动型颚式破碎机     15
     3.4 其他类型颚式破碎机     15
     3.5 颚式破碎机的选择    16
    4工作原理和基本结构    17
     4.1 反击式破碎机的工作原理    17
     4.2 基本结构    17
    5 反击式破碎机的优缺点及特点    19
     5.1 颚式破碎机的优点:    19
     5.2 颚式破碎机的缺点:    19
     5.3 反击式破碎机的特点    20
    6 研究方法及方案确定    21
     6.1传动方案的比较和确定    21
      6.1.1 方案一:    21
      6.1.2 方案二:    21
      6.1.3 方案一与方案二比较    21
      6.1.4 方案确定    21
     6.2破碎机腔型方案比较及确定    21
      6.2.1 方案一:折线形反击板    21
      6.2.2 方案二:圆弧形反击板    21
      6.2.3 方案一与方案二比较    22
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