    关键词 固体火箭冲压发动机,燃气流量调节,数学模型,控制方法,数值模拟
    Title    The design of Solid rocket ramjet congested Gas flow   Gas flow adjustment device                                       
    The gas regulation control for variable flow ducted rockets was investigated in this paper.
    Firstly, the principles of gas flow regulation has been investigation according to the principle of solid rocket motor. The main influence factors on gas flow adjusting character of gas generator were summarized. The influence of burning rate exponent and throat diameter on gas flow was analysed. The experimental system was establish including gas generator , electric needle-type valve, measurement and control system, the needle-type valve structure packing Seals as key part among them designed in detail.
    Secondly, the mathematical model of gas regulating system was established based on small perturbation theory. The minimum settling time was given subject to undershoot constraint. The mathematical model of electric needle-type valve and servo drive section was established. Then use a mathematical model based on MATLAB / Simulink simulation software to build simulation models were designed open-loop and feedback control.
    Finally, the available experimental system was CFD simulations, and analyze the impact on the flow of the nozzle structure.
    Keywords  Ducted rocket, Gas regulation system, Mathematical Model, Control system,Numerical simulation
    1 绪论    1
    1.1研究背景和意义    1
    1.1.1燃气流量调节的背景    1
    1.1.2 燃气流量调节的研究意义    1
    1.2流量可调固体火箭发动机的研究现状    2
    1.2.1固体火箭冲压发动机研究    2
    1.2.2 燃气流量调节方案研究    3
    1.3本文要研究的问题    5
    2 流量调节原理和结构分析    6
    2.1引言    6
    2.2壅塞式燃气流量调节原理    6
    2.2 .1壅塞式稳态调节原理    6
    2.2.2 稳态调节特性分析    8
    2.3燃气发生器结构分析    10
    2.3.1 燃气发生器的设计    10
    2.3.2锥形调节阀的设计    12
    2.4 本章小结    14
    3 流量调节系统建模与控制方法的研究    15
    3.1 引言    15
    3.2 燃气发生器数学模型    15
    3.3 调节阀数学模型    17
    3.4燃气流量调节控制方法分析    18
    3.4.1 开环控制    18
    3.4.2 反馈控制    22
    3.5 本章小结    22
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