    本文首先对直线电机的各种结构形式进行了比较,选择了圆筒形直线电机作为研究对象。然后根据设计要求和直线电机基本工作原理确定了各部件的组成形式与材料。在确定了动磁式直线电机的总体方案之后,运用Ansoft Maxwell进行仿真与分析,通过二文的建模和处理,优化了动磁式直线电机的结构。再用三文制图软件绘制出动磁式直线电机的装配图,并用CAD画出各零部件的二文图,完成了动磁式直线电机的结构设计工作。
    关键词  动磁式直线电机  结构设计 电磁有限元仿真  装配图 零件图
    Title    Structure design of the moving magnet linear motor  for the linear compressor                    
    Linear motor is a new type of motor which developed in recent decades,its scope of application is very wide,where the need for use of linear motion occasions can be linear motor to complete. Compared to the traditional rotary motor, linear motor has the advantages of simple structure,easy to adjust and control,strong adaptability.With the development of high energy permanent magnet materials, moving magnet linear motor has become a focus of research.
    Firstly, the structure of the linear motor is compared,and the cylindrical linear motor is chosen as the research object.According to the design requirement and the basic working principle of the linear motor,the form and material of the components are determined.After determine the overall scheme of moving magnet linear motor,the moving magnet linear motor structure is optimizated by using Ansoft Maxwell through the two-dimensional modeling and processing.Finally, the assembly diagram of magnetic linear motor is drawn with Catia,and drew the two-dimensional figure of each component with CAD,completed the structure design of the dynamic magnetic linear motor.
    Keywords  Moving Magnet Linear Motor, Structure Design, Electromagnetic Finite Element Simulation, Assembly Drawing, Parts Drawing
    目   次
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 课题背景与研究目的和意义    1
    1.2 直线电机研究现状    1
    1.3 直线压缩机研究现状    2
    1.4 本课题的研究内容    3
    2 动磁式直线电机的总体方案设计    4
    2.1 直线电机基本工作原理    4
    2.2 直线电机的分类    4
    2.3 直线电机结构材料的确定    6
    2.4 本章小结    7
    3 电机零件尺寸与结构设计    8
    3.1 线圈导线的设计    8
    3.2 铁芯的设计    8
    3.3 永磁体的设计    8
    3.4 定子的设计    9
    3.5 轴和端盖的设计    10
    3.6 本章小结    10
    4 电磁学有限元建模与仿真    12
    4.1 Ansoft Maxwell简介    12
    4.2 运用Ansoft Maxwel仿真分析的步骤    13
    4.3 直线电机二文建模    15
    4.4 求解及后处理    15
    4.5 本章小结    18
    5 直线电机主要参数计算与优化    19
    5.1 气隙厚度    19
    5.2 气隙磁场计算    19
    5.3 线圈参数计算    20
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