    关键词  侵彻弹  飞行稳定性  外弹道   混凝土
    Title    Artillery Penetrator design and penetration capability analysis                                               
    This article is designed for projectiles caliber 155mm artillery projectile penetration, and penetration analysis.First, the shape of the projectile to complete structural design and cavity design, design to meet the infrastructure caliber projectile, length and quality.Using computer graphics software modeling fitting structure of the projectile amount.Feature amount into the structure of the resulting calculations go back to check.If the structure of the projectile with the required standards are not fit, you need to return again to re-shape the structure of the complete projectile designed to achieve compliance.Calculation of the emission intensity of the main check for completion of the projectile and the wall thickness of the material required for the part of the structure is determined.Flight stability calculation is to check the length of the main portion of the warhead, the centroid position and the moment of inertia is reasonable.In determining the structural design of the projectile after it was required external ballistics analysis and calculation, in order to a range of projectiles, high trajectory, falling speed, impact angle.With a parameter does not meet the requirements, the need to return to flight of the projectile to check the stability of the calculation.In the analysis of the penetration capability of the projectile, the projectile Trajectory analysis calculated the fall velocity projectile drop angle calculating penetration depth.This article is calculated using Berezan clay, brick fill material, concrete penetration depth, and some penetration analysis.
    Keywords  Penetrator  Flight stability  Trajectory  Concrete
     目   次
    1  引言(或绪论)    1
    1.1  研究的意义    1
    1.2  理论分析方法    1
    1.3  研究历史简介    2
    1.4  本课题研究的主要内容    3
    2  155MM炮射侵彻弹总体结构设计方案4
    2.1  弹丸的外形结构    4
    2.2  弹丸的定心部和弹带    6
    2.3  弹丸的内腔结构    7
    3  155MM炮射侵彻弹发射强度校核    9
    3.1  155mm炮射侵彻弹发射时弹体应力    9
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