    摘要近些年来,我国汽车产业的蓬勃发展,给我国的汽车零部件生产商带来了机遇与挑战。轮毂是汽车的重要零部件之一,本文结合SMD车轮有限公司现有轮毂生产线的现状,介绍了一种针对轮毂喷粉智能轮毂喷漆机器人,来代替传统的人工轮毂喷涂。该智能喷漆机器人用光电传感器检测轮毂的有无和尺寸,以西门子S7-200 SMART PLC为控制器,控制三个步进电机的运转,以同步带作为传动方式,带动喷枪沿导轨的进行喷涂。32255
    毕业论文关键词  喷漆机器人  PLC  同步带  步进电机
    Title  Analysis and Optimization Design of Wheel    Production System —— the Design of Intelligent  Spraying Robot                     
    In recent years, due to the rapid development of China's automobile industry, opportunities and challenges have brought to China's auto parts makers. Wheel hub is one of the most important parts of a car. According to the existing wheel production line of the SMD Wheel Co. , Ltd, an intelligent hub spray painting robot for replacing the traditional manual spraying is introduced in this paper. In the intelligent spray painting robot, photoelectric sensors are used to test the hub’s presence and size and Siemens S7-200 SMART PLC is used to control the operation of three stepping motors. The synchronous belt is used to drive the spraying guns moving along the rail.
    In this paper, dimensions of synchronous belt have been accurately calculated and the appropriate fit of the shaft has been selected; the driving shaft has also been checked, and the result shows that the designed shaft can meet the strength requirements; the wheel detection scheme for the spraying robot has been designed, and the control system has been designed.
    Keywords  Spraying Robot  PLC  Synchronous Belt  Stepping Motor
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题研究背景及意义    1
    1.2  相关技术的国内外研究现状    1
    1.3  论文的主要内容    3
    2  喷漆机器人总体方案设计    5
    2.1  喷涂生产线现状分析    5
    2.2  智能喷漆机器人的设计分析    6
    2.3  喷漆机器人传动方式的选择    9
    2.4  喷漆机器人驱动方式的选择    10
    2.5  喷漆机器人控制方式的选择    11
    3  喷涂机器人机械系统的设计    12
    3.1  电机的选用    12
    3.2  侧喷模块的传动设计    15
    3.3  顶喷模块的传动设计    17
    3.4  喷漆机器人机架设计    18
    3.5  其他设计    19
    3.6  喷漆机器人关键部位校核    22
    4  喷漆机器人控制系统的设计    24
    4.1  控制系统的总体设计    24
    4.2  轮毂智能检测方案    24
    4.3  控制系统的硬件设计    27
    4.4  控制系统的软件设计    29
    结  论    34
    致  谢    35
    1  绪论
    1.1  课题研究背景及意义
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