    毕业论文关键词:石粉塔 计量罐 自动进料 Soildworks
    The design of the stone tower
    Abstract: CMC, water meter box is made of polymer composite material as base material, add reinforced material, such as filling material, through a certain process, and has good resistance to impact and tensile strength, wear resistance, corrosion resistance, no rust, no pollution, free maintenance, etc. With the development of the society and the construction of urbanization, the demand of the CMC, water meter box composite will gradually increase, due to the increased cost of choose and employ persons and artificial low productivity factors, the demand for automation of production process becomes very urgent, so our team wants to build a composite mixed automatic production line. A stone tower design is very important part of the composite material mixed automatic production line, automatic powder is the main process to join the stone tower, by screw conveyor transport into the tank.
    Through a lot of research and analysis at home and abroad tower structure, properties and USES, design an automatic powder material conveying equipment. Through the design and calculation combined with 3 d design to study the production phase (feed, transportation, weighing) the optimal charging scheme, the transmission speed, the accuracy of measuring.
        Keyword:  Powder tower  Measuring tank  Automatic feed  Soildworks
    目  录
    第1章绪论    1
    1.1课题来源及背景    1
    1.1.1研究目的    1
    1.1.2理论意义及实际应用价值    1
    1.1.3工艺介绍    2
    1.2文献综述    2
    1.2.1重量传感器    2
    1.2.2振动筛    3
    1.2.3螺旋输送机    4
    1.2.4真空泵    6
    1.3研究内容    7
    1.3.1石粉塔的设计    7
    1.3.2螺旋输送机和计量罐的设计    7
    2石粉塔的设计计算    8
    2.1 石粉塔设计    8
    2.1.1塔体设计    8
    2.1.2平盖封头的选择和设计    8
    2.1.3锥形封头的设计    12
    2.1.4支座的设计    13
    2.2进料口的设计    14
    2.3手推车的设计    14
    2.4手推车轮子的选择    15
    图2.4.1    16
    2.5振动盘尺寸设计    16
    2.6立式振动电机的选型    17
    2.7滚子链传动的设计    19
    2.7.1齿轮和链条的选择    19
    2.7.2电动机的选择    23
    2.7.3联轴器的选择    23
    2.8微型真空泵的选择    24
    3.0手动蝶阀的选择    28
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