    关键词  单兵制导火箭  惯性导航  四元数法  仿真
    Title    Design of inpidual guided rocket navigation method                           
    With the continuous development of science and technology, inpidual guidance rocket will play a greater role in the future battle field, and has gradually become an important inpidual weapon. As the “eyes” of inpidual guided rocket, navigation system plays a vital role to improve the accuracy. Inertial navigation is a kind of navigation method, it has the advantages of simple equipment, low cost, etc., and it is meaningful.
    This paper firstly introduces the current situation of the development of the inpidual guidance technology, the application status of pure inertial navigation method in inpidual guided weapon of the study shows. And establish the rocket trajectory model, inertial navigation algorithm model is established in the launch system, and then use quaternion for attitude solution, then solving speed and position of the navigation data. In order to test the accuracy of the navigation algorithm, the navigation algorithm simulation is carried out, and the accuracy of the model is proved by comparing with the real ballistic data.
    Keywords  Inpidual guidance rocket  Inertial navigation  Four element method Simulation
    目   次                                 
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题的研究背景及意义    1
    1.2  单兵制导技术的国内外研究现状    1
    1.3  本课题的主要工作    8
    1.4  论文章节安排    8
    2  单兵制导火箭导弹模型    9
    2.1  常用坐标系    9
    2.2    火箭弹弹道模型    11
    3  MEMS惯性导航的标定及补偿    19
    3.1  MIMU误差分析    19
    3.2  MIMU组合结构的器件误差模型    19
    3.3  MIMU的整体误差系数的标定方法的设计    21
    4  惯性导航算法设计    26
    4.1  初始对准算法    26
    4.2  惯性导航算法设计    26
    5  制导火箭弹导航算法仿真    31
    结  论    37
    致  谢    38
    1  绪论
    1.1  课题的研究背景及意义
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