    关键词  高速旋转 固体火箭发动机  结构设计
    Title  Design a passive rotary engine test device and test system                   
    The working conditions of solid rocket motor are varied.Sometimes, due to some special needs, the rotation is an important way of the rocket engine flight, and the acceleration of the rotation will have an effect on the work of the solid rocket motor:Cause deformation of the propellant and the housing, the combustion chamber and the nozzle in the gas flow change, impact on the combustion chamber pressure, mass flow rate and the specific impulse and the local areas of the engine heat transfer change, also make metal and metal oxide in propellant or engine shell deposition amount increases, rotation of the engine ignition process also affected。It has important significance for the design of the engine which can meet the overall requirements and the negative impact of the rotation.Therefore, the design of high-speed rotating test rig, the engine of the characteristics of different speeds of research, will play a great role.In this paper, the structure design of the high-speed rotating test rig is carried out, and the maximum speed of the engine measuring system can reach the test of the 10000rpm..
    Keywords  high speed rotating  solid rocket motor  Structure design
    目   次
    1 绪论    3
    1.1概述    3
    1.2选题背景及意义    3
    1.3国内外研究现状及发展趋势    4
    1.3.1国内研究现状    4
    1.3.2国外研究现状    5
    1.4主要工作    6
    2 固体火箭发动机试验技术研究    6
    2.1引言    6
    2.2固体火箭发动机概述    6
    2.2.1火箭发动机的基本结构    6
    2.2.2火箭发动机的工作过程    7
    2.2.3火箭发动机的主要性能参数    8
    3 火箭发动机高速旋转试验台及其结构设计    9
    3.1引言    9
    3.2试验台的总体设计方案    9
    3.3试验台主要部件结构设计    9
    3.3.1支撑系统    9
    3.3.2高速旋转主轴系统    10
    3.3.3动力系统    11
    3.3.4点火系统    12
    4 测试系统的设计    12
    4.1引言    12
    4.2传感器的选择与安装    13
    4.2.1 推力传感器的选择与安装    13
    4.2.2 压力传感器的选择与安装    17
    4.2.3 转速传感器的选择与安装    18
    4.3 传感器的标定    21
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