    毕业论文关键词:钢筋剪断机   曲轴连杆   凸轮机构
    Abstract Bar shearing machine is in accordance with the requirements of the shear reinforcement in the construction or industrial engineering required length of special machinery, in the construction industry and construction machinery is widely used. Reinforced shearing machine transmission mode can be pided into two kinds of mechanical transmission and hydraulic transmission. Mechanical transmission type steel bar shearing machine, working mechanism mostly uses the electric motor through a triangle belt transmission and secondary gear reducer, driven by the crankshaft, the crankshaft push rod so that the slider and blade in the frame of the chute for reciprocating linear motion, the movable blade and the fixed blade fault phase and cut steel.
    The traditional mechanical transmission type of steel cutting machine, its shear movement is usually made of an axis linkage mechanism. But due to the small power cut machine volume is relatively small, so the body cavity relatively small, in the crankshaft connecting rod assembly will be more difficult. Especially if the internal failure in the use of the body need to repair, the demolition of the crankshaft connecting rod process will be more complex, causing great inconvenience to the maintenance. In does not change equipment function, the crankshaft connecting rod mechanism is changed into cam structure, change the crankshaft camshaft form, the improved structure of the cam can directly from holes in the body of the register is loaded in or taken out without having to remove the connecting rod.
    Keywords:Bar shearing machine   Crankshaft connecting rod   Cam mechanism
    摘要    I
    Abstract    II
    目录    III
    1绪论    1
    1.1概述    1
    1.2目前国内钢筋剪断机的发展现状    1
    1.3研究意义    1
    1.4钢筋剪断机的工作原理    2
    2电动机的选择    3
    2.1计算剪切力    3
    2.2剪断机匹配电动机功率理论计算    3
    3减速器的设计    5
    3.1传动比的分配与计算    5
    3.2计算传动装置的运动和动力参数    5
    3.3带的选择    6
    3.4齿轮的设计及模数的选择    7
    3.5轴径的选择和轴承的选择    12
    3.6滚动轴承的选择计算    13
    3.7标准件    14
    4执行机构    15
    5提高强度的几种方法    18
    5.1提高机体的机械强度    18
    5.2合理进行其他部件的结构设计    19
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