    摘要:    换热器在工、农业的各领域应用十分广泛,在日常生活中传热设备也随处可见,是不可缺少的工艺设备之一。因此换热设备的研究备受世界各国政府及研究机构的高度重视,在全世界第一次能源危机及在节约能源上研究新途径。 换热器是一种实现物料之间热量传递的节能设备,是在石油、化工、石油化工、冶金、电力、轻工、食品等行业普遍应用的一种工艺设备。近年来随着节能技术的发展,应用领域不断扩大,利用换热器进行高温和低温热能回收带来了显著的经济效益。
    关键词:    固定管板式换热器;计算;校核3865
    Design of fixed tube-sheet heat exchanger
    Abstract:     Heat exchanger with wide range of applications in the industrial and agricultural areas, heat transfer equipment can be seen in everyday life. It is one of the indispensable technological equipment. Heat exchanging equipment research around the world and therefore attached great importance to the Government and research institutions, in the first global energy crisis and conservation research on new ways. Between material is heat exchangers is a heat transfer and energy saving equipment, was in the petroleum, chemical industry, petrochemical industry, metallurgy, electric power, light industry, food industry, such as the universal application of a process equipment. In recent years, with the development of energy-saving technologies, expanding the field of application, use of heat exchangers for high and low temperature heat recovery bring about remarkable results.
    This subject is design of fixed tube-sheet heat exchanger. Mainly consists of the following parts: process design, structure design, calculation, and drawing. Process design is the number of calculation of heat load; heat pipe, tube and pipe are arranged, and so on. Structural design mainly tubes, pipes, flanges, tie rods, expansion joints etc. Check calculation includes the total heat transfer coefficient, temperature, and pressure drop and tube-plate strength checks. In addition, referring the related design handbook and the massive literature, it has completed assembly drawing and detail drawing plan, and has carried on work and translations.
    Keywords:    Fixed tube-sheet heat exchanger; Calculations; Strength calculation and checking
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    iii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    本课题的背景    1
    1.2    课题的目的和意义    1
    1.2.1    换热器的分类    1
    1.2.2    固定管板式换热器    4
    1.3    国内外换热器的现状    5
    1.3.1    国外    5
    1.3.2    国内    6
    2    工艺设计    8
    2.1    工艺计算    8
    2.1.1    设计条件    8
    2.1.2    确定流体物性    8
    2.1.3    热负荷    9
    2.2    计算尺寸    10
    2.2.1    管程数和传热管数    10
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