    The steel pipe cleaning is a very necessary work, especially in some water supply pipeline, it not only can improve the transport efficiency, reduce energy consumption and the pipeline, can clear the pipeline dirt, lift the two pollution, improve water quality, safeguard the people's physical and mental health. Therefore, this paper designs a kind of steel pipe cleaning device, the device can be telescopic, rotary, chuck arranged on the cleaning brush, cleaning in the pipe, wash.The production efficiency of the device is high, unique structure, smooth operation, low noise, repair side, open the door can be easily replaceable wear parts. Stable work, reliable operation, low noise, less dust. Reasonable structure, species less wearing parts, convenient operation, repair. Compact structure, small floor area.
    The working principle of the pipe cleaning device is to use a rotating output shaft, drive the specific cleaning brush mounted on the shaft to rotate, so that the inner wall of the tube is cleaned.. Due to the steel pipe is generally is slender, so when cleaning, cleaning device also need to make slender structure, and elongated structures and easily lead to strength is not good, so the cleaning device is designed into the telescopic structure can be.Through the synchronous belt wheel, two bodies, a rotating mechanism, a telescopic mechanism, two motors, respectively, through the synchronous belt wheel. Two stage telescopic, small sleeve, middle sleeve, while relative to the large sleeve outward movement. Port cleaning!
    Keywords: steel tube; production efficiency; noise
    摘 要    2
    Abstract    3
    目录    4
    1. 绪论    5
      1.1 选题背景    5
      1.2 研究内容    5
      1.3 文献综述    6
      1.4 国内研究现状    6
      1.5 实验方案、实验方法及预期达到的目标    8
      1.6 研究方法与途径    8
    2. 钢管清洗装置的方案论证    10
      2.1工作原理    10
        2.1.1旋转机构原理:    10
        2.1.2伸缩机构原理:    11
      2.2传动机构的选择和论证    11
        2.2.1传动带的选择    12
        2.2.2键的选择    13
        2.2.3旋转和伸缩机构的选择    13
    3. 机械传动部分的设计计算    15
      3.1旋转机构动力电机的选择    15
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