    Escalator step chain is an essential part of the composition of the escalator, and always used in pairs escalator step chain, it is necessary to ensure that the length error of two step chain within a certain range, otherwise escalators job stability, reliability, etc. Performance can not be guaranteed. Hence the need to measure its length, so that the assembly can be a reasonable choice of the escalator when the two chains.
    This paper describes the current status of the escalator step chain length detection characteristics and development, analysis of the functional requirements of the escalator step chain length automatic detection system, gives to adapt automatically detect mechanical structure as the basis, to measure the displacement measuring means based chain length PLC control technology and wireless transmission technology automatically detects system design. Existing escalator step chain length of functional requirements analysis,
    This article describes the program in mechanical system design, which is designed according to the chain length measuring principle measuring mechanism, specified in the national standard measurement conditions, driving simulation artificial measuring operation is completed by a hydraulic cylinder automatic detection operation, including test First chain positioning and fine positioning.
    Additionally, this article describes the automatic analysis and processing length measurements, including the transmission of the signal conditioning and display, while making its software flow chart.
    Keywords:Cascade chain;Length detection;ZigBee module;Automatic test
     目  录
    摘要    Ⅰ
    Abstract    Ⅱ
    1   绪论    1
    1.1  本课题的研究背景与意义    1
    1.2  国内外发展现状    2
    1.2.1  自动扶梯及梯级    2
    1.2.2  位移测量    4
    1.2.3  信号传输网络    4
    1.2.4  长度检测及其存在的问题    8
    1.3  本章小结    9
    2   总体方案设计    10
    2.1  测量方案综述    10
    2.2  总体技术路线    11
    2.3  本章小结    11
    3   机械结构设计    12
    3.1  机械系统设计的原则与要求    12
    3.1.1  机械系统设计的基本准则    12
    3.1.2  机械系统设计的具体要求    12
    3.2  机械结构设计方案    13
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