关键词: 热熔;移动;压下;电加热
The Design of melt molding device
Abstract:The graduation design is general structure and control system design of 2000kN shaper. Hot melt molding device is a combination of mechanical, electrical, gas, hot melt molding technology for the integration of automatic equipment. The device has a mobile device and a pressure device and other major components, the mobile device to be placed on processed products, fixtures, driven by the cylinder, the rail carrier, adjusting screw spacing, processed products will be moved to the specified location. Pressure device driven by the cylinder, the guide rod guide, electric heating device, heat transfer device through a copper melt molding. Device positioning cylinder ensures hot melt product positioning. The device uses pneumatic drive, PLC control, the operator simply to be processed into the specified location on the product can achieve automatic loop and complete the product melt molding. Greatly reducing the labor intensity and improve productivity. In this paper, hot melt molding device for the overall layout of the mobile device, a pressing device programming, developed a pneumatic system, the main components were the main components of the design calculations and structural features are analyzed and explained
Keyword: hot melt;move; pressure;;electrically heated
1.绪论 1
1.1 选题背景及意义 1
1.2热熔成型机现状 1
1.2.1热熔成型技术的介绍 1
1.2.2热熔成型机的发展状况 3
1.2.3热熔成型机的发展趋势 4
1.3 本文主要研究内容 5
2.课题依据 6
2.1 课题简介 6
2.2 产品介绍 6
2.3 设备的组成 7
2.4 工作原理简介 9
2.5 设备的主要参数 9
3 热熔成型装置的方案确定 10
3.1 全自动循环确定 10
3.2 总体布局方案 10
3.3 移动装置方案的拟定 12
3.3.1移动装置的驱动方式的方案拟定 12
3.3.2 移动装置的移动方式 12
3.3.3 移动装置的组成 13
3.4 压下方案的拟定 13
3.4.1 压下装置的驱动方式的确定 13
3.4.2 热熔成型的加热方式拟定 14
3.4.3 压下装置的组成 14
3.4.4 确定重合度的拟定 15
3.4.5 加热装置的拟定 15
3.4.6加热装置的组成及布局 15
4 气压系统的设计计算 17
4.1气缸型号的确定 17
4.1.1移动气缸的设计、计算 17
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