    毕业论文关键词  反求工程技术 仿生机械手 刚强度分析 运动学分析
    Title     Reserve engineering technology research and its application in the design of manipulator                             
    The topic of this thesis is Reserve engineering technology research and its application in the design of manipulator.This paper first introduces the origin of this topic and the signification of the research,and combined with the development of reserve engineering and manipulator at home and abroad,expounded reserve engineering,manipulator and application of reserve engineering technology in the design of manipulator.
    The main part of the article first introduces the modeling of the fingers  and the D-H matrix calculation,then the dimensions of the phalanges are identified,the drive mechanism and motor of each phalange are also identified.Finally,we compare the manipulator with  human hand in structure, motion mode and so on,reflecting the concept of reserve engineering.In the end,the stiffness and strength of the main parts of the manipulator are analyzed by finite element analysis,and get the stress map of the stiffness and strength.Then,use the ADAMS kinematics analysis software,analysis the kinematics simulation.
    At present,robot research field all over the world have focused on research of the manipulator,and it has a large space for development in the future,and also has a wide application prospect.
    Keywords  Reserve engineering    manipulator    stiffness and strength analysis    kinematics analysis
    目   次
    1  绪论  1
    1.1  课题来源   1
    1.2  反求工程技术的国内外发展状况及趋势  1
    1.3  机械手的国内外发展状况及趋势  2
    1.4  本文的研究思想和主要内容  6
    2  人手结构与抓取运动分析及机械手模型建立  7
    2.1  人手结构分析   7
    2.2  人手抓取运动分析    7
    2.3  机械手模型建立    8
    3  机械手结构设计  12
    3.1  机械手手指设计   12
    3.2  驱动机构设计   13
    3.3  电机选择   16
    3.4  机械手总体结构   16
    3.5  机械手模拟抓取物体   17
    4  solidworks simulation有限元分析   19
    4.1  solidworks simulation简介   19
    4.2  主要零件的simulation express分析   19
    4.3  分析结果与应力云图   21
    5  ADAMS运动学仿真分析  29
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