    Molding Process Analysis and Inject Design of Sterilizer Holder
    Abstract: Injection molding is the main method of molding thermoplastic parts, this graduation project to disinfect pot support for the object, described in detail the process of injection mold design of plastic parts. Paper, bottle sterilizer parts of plastic raw materials selection and point the way pouring gate detail. The main use of UG design software respectively different three-dimensional structure of plastic parts, injection molding some parts, injection system, the release mechanism, and so the simulation design and analysis. Finally, determine selection and verification, parting injection molding machine model, cavity design, molding some parts of the design, gating system, cooling system, exhaust overflow bleed air system, the design of the release mechanism, reset the system design and other design components. Finalize the drawings produced by Autocad, and summarized the correlation calculation instructions.
    Key words: sterilization pot holder; design of molding ; injection mold; point gate
    目  录
    1  前 言  1
    1.1    我国塑料模具的发展现状 1
    1.2    国外塑料模具的发展状况 1
    2  产品分析  3
    2.1  塑件分析 3
    2.1.1  结构分析 3
    2.1.2  塑件尺寸精度的设计分析 4
    2.1.3  塑件表面质量和粗糙度的分析 4
    2.2  塑件原材料的分析 4
    2.3  塑料模工艺条件 5
    3  塑件相关计算及注射机的选择 7
    3.1  塑件的相关计算 7
    3.1.1  塑件的厚度检测 7
    3.1.2  塑件投影面积的计算 7
    3.1.3  塑件体积与质量的计算 7
    3.2  注射机的选择 8
    3.2.1  注塑机概况 8
    3.2.2  注塑机的分类 8
    3.2.3  注塑机的选择 8
    4  型腔布局  10
    4.1  型腔 10
    4.2  型腔数目的确定 10
    5  分形面设计  12
    6  浇注系统设计  13
    6.1  塑件的模流分析 13
    6.2  主流道设计 13
    6.3  分流道设计 14
    6.4  进料口设计 14
    7  模架的选用  16
    8  成型零部件设计  17
    8.1  型腔凹模尺寸计算 18
    8.1.1 型腔径向尺寸计算 18
    8.1.2型腔深度尺寸计算 19
    8.2  型芯凸模尺寸的计算 19
    8.2.1  型芯径向尺寸计算 19
    8.2.2  型芯高度尺寸计算 20
    9  导向机构和推出机构的设计 21
    9.1  导向机构的设计 21
    9.1.1  导柱   21
    9.1.2  导柱布置 21
    9.2  推出机构的设计 22
    10  冷却及排气系统设计  24
    10.1  冷却系统 24
    10.2  排气系统 24
    11  模具材料的选择  26
    12  模具总体结构  27
    13  模具的校核与试模 30
    13.1  注塑机的校核 30
    13.1.1  容量校核 30
    13.1.2  合模力校核 30
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