    The Design of Biomass Fuel Water Heaters and Residential Heating System
    Abstract: This design is mainly for the northeast rural areas. Its biomass energy utilization efficiency is 16%. According to statistics of (Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning), Jilin, Heilongjiang provinces , available straw resources were up to 4500t, Liaoning Province Biomass resources reached 3000t,especially straw biomass resources in the Northeast region werw very rich. there is a steady demand in rural areas of Northeast heating in winter, in order to improve the traditional heating methods (such as the use of coal-fired heaters, air conditioners, portable electric heating, flush hot water bottle Hand Po charging or install plumbing or warm), fully consider habits Tohoku rural residents, housing structure, design of a local straw as raw biomass briquette with hot new biomass fuel water heaters. Provide heating, bath, hot water needed for agriculture farming for local residents. This design will be combined with the actual needs of the residential , focuses on the design of the hot water boiler and make economic evaluation to biomass fuels.
    Keywords:    Biomass fuels; Hot water boiler; Residential heating systems
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ii
    1    前言    1
    1.1    研究背景    1
    1.1.1    国内研究状况    2
    1.1.2    国外研究状况    3
    2    住宅取暖系统设计    4
    2.1    民居实例的参数(以及图)    4
    2.2    采暖热负荷计算    5
    2.3    生活用水计算    6
    2.4    生物锅炉供暖的经济性    6
    3    热力计算    8
    3.1    锅炉规范、辅助计算及热平衡计算    8
    3.1.1    设计参数    8
    3.1.2    生物质成型燃料成分及介绍    8
    3.1.3    计算所用的生物质燃料的数据    9
    3.1.4    理论空气量及烟气量计算    9
    3.1.5    实际空气量以及实际烟气量    10
    3.1.6    实际燃烧产物的构成    11
    3.2    热平衡计算    12
    3.3    理论燃烧温度与实际燃烧温度的计算    14
    4    锅炉主体结构计算    16
    4.1    炉膛结构计算    16
    4.2    炉胆的热力计算    16
  1. 上一篇:每小时2000吨锅炉直流煤粉燃烧器系统设计+CAD图纸
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