


    毕业论文关键词: 永磁体 涡流 气缸 缓冲


    Title   Research of Cylinder Cushioned Technology Based on Permanent Magnet Eddy Current Braking        


    When the speed of cylinder is high, requiring quickly braking and switching, cylinder piston rod will have a great impact on cylinder which reduces the lifetime of cylinder, even damages the cylinder. So the cushion of cylinder is important in order to reduce the impact of cylinder, extend lifetime of cylinder, satisfy the requirements of working precision and so on. As a new braking mode,the permanent magnet eddy current braking technology has the advantages of stable power, no noise pollution, long service life, simple structure and large braking force. There have been many successful applications in the field of recreation facilities, transportation vehicles and so on.

    This paper presents a new cylinder cushioned technology based on permanent magnet eddy current braking and gives the model of the permanent magnet eddy current braking.It derivates formula of braking force and calculates with MATLAB program. Then it establishes a mathematical model of the cylinder and build cylinder simulation block diagram of Simulink to simulate. From the simulation results, it can be seen that the permanent magnet eddy current brake has a good buffer on cylinder .Permanent magnet eddy current braking test device is established. By measuring the acceleration in the falling process of the permanent magnet,we calculate the permanent magnet eddy current braking force and it agrees with the results calculated from the formula.

    Keywords:Permanent Magnet  Eddy Current  Cylinder  Cushion

     目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景及意义 1

    1.2 气缸缓冲方式 2

    1.3 永磁涡流制动技术 3

    1.4 研究内容 4

    2 永磁涡流制动器理论分析 5

    2.1基于永磁涡流制动的气缸缓冲结构方案 5

    2.2永磁涡流制动器模型 5

    2.3圆柱形永磁体的磁感应强度计算 6

    2.4 永磁体的有限元分析 10

    2.5涡流阻力的计算 12

    3  气缸的数学建模与仿真分析 13

    3.1气缸的数学建模 13

    3.2 气缸仿真分析

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