    关键词  新型无刷直流电机,控制器设计,89C51单片机,大电流控制,串行接口
    Title The controller design of the model Brushless DC motor
    In recent years,the brushless DC motor has been used more and more widely in the field of motor,because the brushless DC motor has the advantages of high efficiency,small noise,large starting torque and other advantages.The motor controller just works as the core of the control,and its operation efficiency and stability has been paid more and more attention.In this paper,my goal is to design the corresponding controller which is based on a company's new brushless DC motor .
    Firstly,this paper designs the position sensor installation with the use of corresponding program and the hardware control circuit which is mainly composed of the single-chip microcomputer.This design is according to the normal characteristic of conventional brushless DC motor controller and the new characteristic of new brushless DC motor model.And then this paper introduces the peripheral circuit, power circuit, protection circuit as the main elements of logic.
    Second , as for the software part,this paper discusses the overall design and gives the flow chart of the program firstly,then design and gives the control code.
    Finally, this paper will have the idle test based on the electric motor and its control system,and analyze whether the controller and program design is reasonable or not according to the experimental results.
    Key Words  The Model Brushless DC motor , Drive design , 89C51 microcontroller , high-current control, serial interface
    目   次
    1. 绪论    1
    1.1. 概述    1
    1.1.1. 无刷直流电机的发展及应用    1
    1.1.2. 无刷直流电机控制系统的发展    2
    1.2. 无刷直流电机的基本原理及控制方式介绍    2
    2. 新型无刷直流电机控制器系统设计    4
    2.1. 新型无刷直流电机特点    4
    2.2. 控制器系统方案设计    5
    3. 新型无刷直流电机硬件电路设计    8
    3.1. 单片机电路设计    8
    3.2. 功率电路设计    10
    3.3. 霍尔传感器选型及电路设计    12
    3.4. 外围电路设计    15
    3.4.1. 逻辑保护电路设计    15
    3.4.2. 电源电路设计    15
    3.5. 串口电路设计    16
    3.6. 电机供电隔离设计    18
    4. 新型无刷直流电机控制程序设计    19
    5. 系统调试过程及结果    21
    5.1. 实验系统组成    21
    5.2. 软件工具介绍    22
    5.2.1. Keil编译器    22
    5.2.2. 单片机下载编程烧录软件    22
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