    In recent years, with the rapid development of China's national economy and the people's living standards improve, number of cars has increased by a big margin,parking difficult problem has been concentrated in the various large and medium-sized cities, and become a key factor in the development of the city, the construction of the parking lot is imminent a serious shortage of city parking lot, parking problems gradually become big city is an urgent need to solve the problem.
    This paper is a study of the lifting system of vertical lifting stereo garage. Intelligent three-dimensional garage covers an area of small, parking is convenient, is the mainstream of the future development of garage.Mechanical three-dimensional garage can make full use of Shangdi resources, play a space advantage, to maximize the parking of vehicles, to become an important way to solve the problem of urban static traffic. This subject to more typical of up-down and translation stereo garage as the research object, considering three-dimensional garage manufacturing costs and the efficiency of the dual factors.The lifting system of stereo garage elevator and reference design, the three-dimensional garage bottom bearing loading platform. This paper introduces the features and development of three-dimensional garage. The mechanical part of the design and control system were studied.
    In the mechanical part of lifting system used currently used by the vast majority of elevator traction drive mechanism. In the control part, the selection of PLC and inverter control system, and for the specific system to achieve the function of PLC, frequency converter and sensor detection components made a selection.
    Keywords:Three dimensional garage; lifting system; PLC; frequency converter
    目  录
    第一章  绪论    1
    1.1智能立体车库系统概述    1
    1.2智能立体车库国内外发展情况及差距    1
    1.3课题提出的背景及意义    2
    第二章  总体方案设计    3
    第三章  机械结构设计    4
    3.1载车台结构的设计    4
    3.2 驱动方式的确定    4
    3.3升降电机选型    5
    3.4横移电机选型    6
    3.5关于曳引轮的选择    7
    3.6关于导向轮的选择    8
    3.7关于曳引绳的选择    8
    3.8关于定滑轮的选择    8
    3.9配重的选择    9
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  2. 下一篇:PLC轨道外置式双层立体车库系统设计+CAD图纸+梯形图
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