
    摘要: 自然灾害频频发生,面对复杂的状况,需要尽快地转移和搜救受伤人员。研发代替救援人员搜救,进入危险工作环境的救援机器人具有重要意义。



    毕业论文关键字: 履带式救援机器人;机械结构设计;机械臂设计

    The design of security robot

    Abstract:  Nowadays natural disasters occur frequently,faced with a complex situation we need to be transferred as soon as possible and rescue the injured. It is very important to research and design a rescue robot which can instead of rescue workers and work in hazardous environment.

    This thesis introduces a simple design structure of crawler robot which has a certain carrying capacity and anti the impact. Crawler rescue robots can adapt to complex environments, under rugged road conditions can also work. By loading different sensors and machine hand on the robot moving system, enables rescue robot have different functions.

    In this paper, the tracked robot of mechanical structure is simple and easy to disassemble and repair. The different point is that we placed the driver structure in the track so that it can save a lot of space to set bigger battery to extend the work time. We can also control both sides of the fin wheel robot to assist climbing, crossing barriers

    Key words:  Crawler rescue robot; Mechanical structural design; Mechanical arm design


    1 绪论 1

    1.1  国内外研究现状 1

    1.2  发展趋势 2

    2 总体方案设计 4

    2.1  运动机构的选择 4

    2.2  设计要求 4

    3 运动机构的设计 5

    3.1  电机选择 5

    3.2  确定履带型号 5

    3.3  同步带轮设计 6

    3.4  确定节线长度 7

    3.5  减速机构设计 7

    3.5.1  锥齿轮的设计和校核 8

    3.5.2  圆柱斜齿轮设计与校核 15

    3.5.3 Ⅰ轴设计与校核 22

    3.5.4键的校核 29

    3.5.5滚动轴承的校核 30

    4 机械臂结构设计 32

    4.1大臂结构设计 32

    4.1.1  减速器的选型 33

    4.1.2  电机型号选择 33


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