



    Abstract:With the economic development of China’s large and medium-sized cities, more and more families start to own private cars, which results in a fast increase of vehicle ownership. Meanwhile, the development of parking facilities is both lagging behind and uneven. These problems seriously affect travel, traffic, and life quality in urban area, as the parking problem has become very important and affected sustainable urban development. Parking management, as an important part of traffic management in modern cities, has been mature and effective in the developed countries and regions. This paper investigates and analyzes the situation of China’s urban parking problem. Referring to the measures of foreign countries, we propose five feasible policies to deal with the parking problem of China’s major cities: restriction, construction, management, system organization, and the legislation. In this paper, we propose a new approach for localization and tracking of a vehicle in a parking garage, based on environment-embedded LIDAR sensors. In particular, we present an integration of data from multiple sensors, allowing to track vehicles in a common, parking garage coordinate system. 

    Key words: Frame type; Household; Three-dimensional garage; design


    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1  框架式家用立体车库现状 1

    1.2  框架式家用立体车库前景 1

    1.2.1  国内外框架式家用立体车库发展 1

    1.2.2  框架式家用立体车库的实际应用 6

    1.3  框架式家用立体车库的意义及目的 6

    1.3.1  框架式家用立体车库的意义 7

    1.3.2  框架式家用立体车库前景 8

    第二章  框架式家用立体车库的结构设计 8

    2.1  框架式家用立体车库概述 8

    2.1.1  基本参数 9

    2.1.2  主要技术参数 9

    2.2  框架式家用立体车库的组成 9

    2.2.1  载车板 10

    2.2.2  立柱 11

    2.2.3  支撑架 12

    2.3  框架式家用立体车库的工作原理 14

    2.3.1  框架式家用立体车库的工作原理 14

    2.3.2  框架式家用立体车库的特点

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