



    毕业论文关键词:  滚珠丝杠;刚度矩阵法;有限元建模


    Mechanical Joints are natural structure of all Mechanical System. When be loaded with force, it behave complex dynamical characteristic with damping and elasticity and affect so much dynamical characteristic of Mechanical System.The ball screw joint surface is a typical mechanical joint surface,small friction, high efficiency, axial rigidity, smooth motion, high driving accuracy, long life and so prominent characteristics. At present, the ball screw vice have been widely used in machine tool industry, automobile industry, automatic control system, the aviation industry, shipping industry and weapons industry .

      This paper focuses on the ball screw vice combined with the surface of the stiffness matrix method of solving the elaboration, get the ball screw nut combined with the stiffness matrix, matrix not only contains three coordinate transformation of displacement stiffness and torsional rigidity, also contains axial stiffness and axial torsion stiffness coupling term, so it improves the ball screw nut combined with surface modeling precision. Using the stiffness matrix to establish the ball screw of finite element model, and the modal analysis; On the ball screw vice modal test, using the test results and finite element simulation results to contrast whether test ball screw nut combined with surface stiffness matrix solution and the ball screw vice modeling method is correct. It is showed that the method based on stiffness matrix of the ball screw joint surface modeling has good accuracy. Through the stiffness matrix to establish the ball screw vice model has the universal applicability, can according to different the ball screw vice for handy revision. The method to establish the ball screw vice in finite element software is easy to be realized and operated, especially for displacement and turn the establishment of the coupling between stiffness.

    Keywords: ball screw;Stiffness matrix method; finite element modeling

    目 录

    第1章  绪论 1

    1.1 引言 1

    1.2 机械结合面研究的重要意义 1

    1.3 滚珠丝杠副的介绍 2

    1.3.1滚珠丝杠副组成及结构参数 3


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