



    关键词  双足机器人  动力学  虚拟样机   仿真


    Title  The General Structure Design and Simulation of a  Biped Robot                     


    The research of humanoid biped robot is a hotspot in the field of robot research at present. Because compared with the wheeled robot,the biped robot compared not only have better ability to adapt to the environment,but also better mobility. Biped robot is humanoid robot research foundation, is typical with multi-input, multi- output system, and with time-varying, nonlinear and strong coupling characteristics. Based on this complexity, the biped robot by virtual prototyping simulation is very necessary.

    This paper analysis and summarizes the current situation of the development of the robot, the configuration of the biped robot degrees of freedom, and in accordance with the scope of activities of the bionics and body of the joint design of the biped walking robot structure. Then a biped walking robot kinematics model and dynamics model, and based on the inverted pendulum model gait planning of biped  robot.

    In addition, by using SolidWorks software to complete the biped walking robot modeling. After that, in the ADAMS software the biped robot are basic dynamics simulation, and the simulation results are analyzed and summarized.

    Keywords  Biped Robot    Dynamics   Virtual Prototype   Simulation

    目   次

    1  引言 1

    1.1  国内外仿人双足机器人发展现状 1

    1.1.1  国外仿人双足机器人的发展现状 1

    1.1.2  国内仿人双足机器人的发展现状 2

    1.2  本文的主要研究内容 3

    1.3  本章小结 4

    2  双足机器人结构设计 5

    2.1  引言 5

    2.2  总体结构的确定 5

    2.2.1  切比雪夫连杆机构 5

    2.2.2  五连杆机构 6

    2.2.3  七连杆机构 6

    2.2.4  双足机器人总体结构的确定 7

    2.3  双足机器人结构设计 8

    2.3.1  整体尺寸的确定 8

    2.3.2  双足机器人自由度的分配 8

    2.3.3  双足机器人关节角度范围

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