



     Abstract Mechanical comprehensive training get modeling, simulation, motion analysis, CNC machining together, reflecting the complete design and manufacturing process, is playing an important role in the undergraduate teaching process. Network-based platform for professional training, no doubt, has great vitality. Engineering network teaching platform development is still rare, our school is in urgent need of such a professional teaching platform. 

    This paper is based on years of teaching experience, professional teacher, relying on the CDIO concept, combining the classic mode of teaching with computer network technology. Mainly through the disassembly of the typical products of the diesel engine, engine, cycloid reducer, etc., modeling, simulation, analysis, and typical part fixture design, CNC machining, combing the entire teaching process, the use of a large number of theoretical knowledge, professional pictures, videos, animation, etc. elements with the mechanical drawing process of order the preparation of examples to elaborate a complete set of methods. At the same time also focused on adding user information, user login, the task releases, view the task, interaction, and administrators to manage other functions.

    .Key words: Simulation;CDIO; Professional training; Teaching Platform; 

    目  录

    第一章  绪论

    1.1 引言

    1.2 国内外研究现状

    1.3 本文主要工作

    第二章  网络平台架构

    2.1 DREAMWEAR 背景介绍

    2.2 平台架构搭建

    2.2.1 Dreamwear 操作基础介绍

    2.2.2 网页的布局

    2.2.3 实训平台功能分析 10

    2.2.4 模块制作 12

    第三章 产品拆装与动态仿真 20

    3.1 摆线针轮减速机 20

    3.1.1摆线针轮减速机的基本概念 20

    3.1.2摆线针轮减速机构造 21

    3.2 摆线针轮减速器动态仿真 23

    3.2.1 Solidworks背景介绍 23

    3.2.2 运动原理 25

    3.2.3 摆线针轮减速机装配及动态仿真 25

    第四章 实训平台内容规划

  1. 上一篇:Solidworks通海阀设计建模
  2. 下一篇:VBA造船板材切割优化以及切割代码管理
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  2. 基于热力学模型的发动机转矩波动仿真研究

  3. 基于K装药的双层药型罩设计

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  5. 基于极差和方差分析的含...

  6. 基于NX/PTS和MoldWizard的齿轮...

  7. 基于锥形电热器的材料垂直引燃装置设计

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  9. 大众媒体对公共政策制定的影响

  10. 当代大学生慈善意识研究+文献综述

  11. 河岸冲刷和泥沙淤积的监测国内外研究现状

  12. 中考体育项目与体育教学合理结合的研究

  13. 电站锅炉暖风器设计任务书

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