

    本文以一千两百吨拉力试验机的承载梁为对象进行结构设计。首先 先对拉力试验机承载梁的工作原理进行分析,并根据额定载荷对其进行受力分析和校核,计算出承载梁的最小横截面积。其次再对梁的外形进行分析讨论和校核,选择较为合理的外形并确定其基本尺寸。接着对销和滚轮等梁的外围零件进行设计。然后进行Pro/E三维模型的绘制,画出各个零件的三维模型并进行组装。最后再对选取方案和之前的方案进行有限元分析,对比说明所采用方案的优点。


    毕业论文关键词: 拉力试验机;承载梁;ANSYS分析;装配图

    Abstract The tensile testing machine is the instrument of a product or material before put into use its pull performance requirements for authentication. The emergence of the tensile testing machine makes it to understand timely and accurately in the industrial production of the mechanical properties of materials, components and machine. In the understanding of these properties, their application can be more reliable and reasonable. After a test of the tensile testing machine, the product is to establish its performance. Therefore, the tensile testing machine occupies an important position in the national economy. The design of the 1200t tensile testing machine makes up the domestic blank at that level, a significant role in promoting and development role for the development of the tensile testing machine.

         In this paper, the object of this paper twelve hundred tons tensile testing machine carrying beam structural design. First, it analysis the working principle of the tensile testing machine carrying beam, analysis and verificate the rated load force, and calculate the minimum cross-sectional area of bearing beams. Secondly, the shape of the beam is analysised and discussed and verificated, and then choose a more reasonable shape and determine its basic dimensions. Then the peripheral parts of the pin and roller beam is designed. And then it proceed to the Pro / E three-dimensional model of the draw, draw three-dimensional model of the various parts and conduct assembly. Finally, the program selected and the program abandoned finite element analysis, compared to the advantages of the program used

    Computational analysis of these methods,we can have a more complete understanding of the structure of the tensile testing machine carring beam bearing beam structure design and improvement of the tensile testing machine to provide a more sound theoretical basis.

    Keywords: Tensile testing machine; Bearing beam structure; ANSYS analysis; Assembly drawing.


    第1章绪论 1

    1.1拉力试验机的简介 1

    1.1.1拉力试验机的基本概念 1

    1.1.2拉力试验机发展概况 1

    1.2承载梁对拉力机测试的影响 4

    1.2.1拉力试验机的测试 4


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