

    毕业论文关键词: 冲击试验机 摆锤 仿真 动力学


    Title    The design of impact testing machine for circuit board                     

    Abstract Impact test is applied for all kinds of devices for both civil and military use to examine their safety ,reliability and effectiveness. And the impact testing machine is designed for impact test. Impact testing machine is easy to operate and has high reliability, so it is widely used in impact resistance tests for metal and non-metal material. This article discusses the definition, classification, make-up and operating principles of impact testing machine. The overall design plan is put forward based on the given parameters and requirements, including base of the machine, pendulum hammer, protective devices, decelerator, devices to lift the pendulum and 

    tank. By calculation, the size and parameters of the parts are determined, safety and reliability of the mechanism are checked; a  three-dimensional modeling of the testing machine is given using 3D graphic software. Finally, dynamic simulation is conducted to meet the dynamic requirements.

    Keywords:  Impact testing machine   Pendulum  Simulation  Dynamics


    1  引言 3

    1.1  冲击试验机的分类和特点 3

    1.1.1  落锤式冲击试验机 3

    1.1.2  摆锤式冲击试验机 4

    1.2  冲击试验机的优缺点和应用范围 4

    1.3  冲击试验机国内外发展状况趋势 5

    1.3.1  国内试验机的发展状况 5

    1.3.2  国外试验机的发展状况 5

    1.3.3  总体趋势 6

    1.4  研究主要内容及思路 6

    1.4.1  研究背景 6

    1.4.2  研究内容 7

    2  冲击试验机组成结构 8

    2.1  摆锤冲击试验机工作原理 8

    2.2  冲击试验机组成结构 9

    3  主要零部件设计计算 10

    3.1  摆锤结构尺寸的确定 10

    3.1.1 摆锤尺寸 10

    3.1.2  摆锤在初始时刻的位能E 13

    3.1.3  冲击速度 14

    3.2  减速器计算设计 16

    3.2.1  电机选择

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