




    Since surface roughness measurement of industrial production problems frequently encountered, it is one of the key experimental teaching. As a modern teaching method, CAI is the trend of educational technology in today's world. The goal of the graduation project is to develop a computer-aided teaching platform in order to measure surface roughness.

    Since surface roughness measurement of industrial production problems frequently encountered, it is one of the key experimental teaching. As a modern teaching method, CAI is the trend of educational technology in today's world. The goal of the graduation project is to develop a computer-aided teaching platform in order to measure surface roughness. In the design of the experiment, full consideration will be given to make use of multimedia technology, audio, pictures and animation, in order to express the process of the experiment clearly. Simultaneously, this design enables students to understand and thus accept the contest of the experiments. Since this design has the ability of human-computer interaction, it help students deepen their understanding of the present study, better completion of the pilot operations and promoting the teaching effect.

    Keywords:CAI,Authorware, Light-section microscope, Surface roughnes


    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1 引言 1

    1.2 研究背景、现状和存在问题 1

    第二章  AUTHORWARE使用说明 4

    2.1 AUTHORWARE简介 4

    2.2 AUTHORWARE使用说明 6

    2.2.1 Authorware7.0的菜单栏 6

    2.2.2 基本操作工具栏 7

    2.2.3 Authorware的核心组件—图标栏 8

    2.3 操作区域介绍 11

    第三章  设计素材准备 13

    3.1 研究内容 13

    3.2 总体步骤说明 13

    3.3 素材收集 13

    3.4 图片、声音的制作 14

    3.4.1 图片的制作 14

    3.4.2 声音的制作 15

    3.4.3 导入声音文件 16

    第四章  课题内容 17

    4.1 实验目的 17

    4.2 实验设备和测量内容 17

    4.3 仪器及实验原理 17

    4.3.1 实验仪器介绍

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