

    传统的内燃机在能量转换传动机构设计方面一用曲柄-滑块动力传动方式。在工作过程中,曲柄滑块机构在高温高压气体的推动下,将活塞所作的直线运动转变成曲轴、飞轮的旋转运动,即把燃油燃烧所产生的热能转变为曲轴、飞轮旋转的机械能。目前,仿生学是一门热点研究的学术,而鱼类的推进方式己成为人们研制新型高速、低噪音、机动灵活的柔体潜水器模仿的对象,要实现尾鳍的摆动可采用内摆线转换机构来实现。                                                                     本文采用了内摆线转换机构来研究尾摆式推进机构问题的,从而分析了尾摆推进传动中减速装置和运动转换机构的结构及结构耦合方式,完成了内摆线转换机构在尾摆推进传动装置中的结构设计。通过对鱼类游动机理仿生学研究,进行其推进系统的部分建模及其运动学仿真。


     Abstract The conversion mechanism is the swing mechanism of a hydraulic oil, motor power source. At present the extensive use of conversion organization basically has the following two kinds: ①the crank connecting institution is based on the conversion mechanism, oil cylinder promote crank turn when it works, so as to drive the rotating parts rotate, the structureˊ advantage is simple.②Swinging hydraulic cylinder and the planetary gear train conversion mechanism, adopt multi-ranked star wheel to increase the torque. This output institution can output bigger torque、with reasonable clearance.

    The energy conversion transmission mechanism design-with the crank-the slider power transmission mode in the traditional internal combustion engine. In the process of work, slider-crank mechanism in the promotion of high temperature and high pressure gas,

    turn the piston of linear motion to a crankshaft、flywheel rotation movement, the fuel burned the heat energy produced for crankshaft、 flywheel rotation transformation of the mechanical energy. At present, the bionics is a hot research academic, And the way of fish propulsion method has becomed to develop a new high speed、 low noise、 the flexible multibody submersibles imitates for people. To realize the swing of the caudal fin can be used to realize the hypocycloid conversion institutions.

    This paper used to study the hypocycloid conversion mechanism to study the end of tilting promoting organization issue, to analyze the tail of transmission in a slow device and motion conversion mechanism for the structure and structural coupling, the design of the hypocycloid conversion mechanism in the tail placed to promote the transmission device has been completed. Through fish swimming mechanism of bionics research, conducting the part of modeling and kinematics simulation on Propulsion system.

     Keywords: hypocycloid ; modeling ; motion simulation


    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 课题背景及意义 1

    1.2 运动转换机构在国内外的研究 1

    1.3 本文研究的主要内容 2

    1.4 本章小结 2

    第二章 运动转换机构

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