


    Abstract With the development of cutting technology for cutting difficult materials put forward higher requirements, the actual cutting process is very difficult, even after cutting the surface quality is our concern. Thus, after the cutting surface stress, the surface temperature of study has important significance. Nickel-base superalloy also belong to difficult materials. This paper discusses the application of nickel-based alloys background, development status, on the characteristics of difficult materials, cutting and the cutting tool and the workpiece temperature and summarized. In order to study after cutting difficult materials properties and characteristics of serrated chip, this paper nickel-based superalloy GH4169, ABAQUS finite element simulation software through its turning simulation, changing the cutting speed, depth of cut, rake angle three factor, to obtain a variety of different cutting conditions of the machined surface stress, the residual stress distribution, and the chip formed by cutting pitch serrated, jagged degree of relationship between the factors and graphically represented, for subsequent processing guiding significance.

    Key words: Difficult processing materials; Nickel-based alloy (HG4169); The serrated cutting; Residual stress; ABAQUS;


    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1  概述 1

    1.2  难加工材料简介 1

    1.2.1 难加工材料 1

    1.2.2 难加工材料的切削特点 1

    1.2.3 车削时应注意的问题 2

    1.3 有限元法在切削加工过程中的应用 2

    1.3.1 有限元法的国内外发展现状 2

    1.3.2 有限元法优点 3

    1.3.3 切削加工过程中有限元分析的解题思路 3

    1.4论文内容简介 4

    第二章 镍基高温合金GH4169 5

    2.1 概述 5

    2.2镍基高温合金 5

    2.2.1 镍基高温合金分类 5

    2.2.2 镍基高温合金的切削性能 5

    2.3 GH4169镍基高温合金的化学成分及物理性能 6

    2.3.1 GH4169概述 6

    2.3.2 GH4169物理性能 6

    2.4 GH4169工艺性能与要求 7

    第三章  基于ABAQUS的GH4169切削仿真

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