



    Abstract Design of mechanical products, generally pided into the traditional design and modern design, optimization design is one of the types of which has been widely used in modern design. The method of traditional design is usually on the basis of investigation and analysis, as a reference to similar products, the initial scheme of product design is determined by estimating, experience, analogy or experimental methods. Then analysing and designing the product properties, such as strength, stiffness and stability , to check whether the performance meet the requirements of design index. If it can't meet, you can modify the design parameters according to the experience or intuitive judgment.  Practice has proved that according to the traditional methods of design, generally there is a big room for improvement and improve. Have this available, the traditional design is limited by experience, calculation methods and means , so the solution witch obtained by the traditional method is generally not the best one.

        In order to achieve the minimum centre distance of level 2 cylindrical gears reducer by optimization design, optimization design mathematical model is established on the basis of the research,which in the target of optimization design , design variables and constraints of level 2 cylindrical gear reducer. Using the MATLAB optimization toolbox optimize the gear reducer , which can simplify the complex programming and improves the design efficiency and quality. It can make the structure compactly , and reduce the manufacturing cost . At the same time ,it avoid the traditional method which with large amount of calculation and cumbersome hand computation or traditional evaluation methods by computer language.

    Keywords:  MATLAB、Reducer、Optimization design

    目  录


    第一章  绪论--1

    1.1 减速器的概述--1

    1.2 国内外研究现状及存在问题--1

    1.3 减速器的发展趋势 2

    1.4 本课题研究的目的和意义-2

    1.5 本课题研究的基本内容2

    第二章 圆柱齿轮减速器的优化软件-3

    2.1 MATLAB的概述-3

      2.1.1 MATLAB的产生与发展-3

      2.1.2 MATLAB的主要特点与优势3

      2.1.3 MATLAB系统的构成4

      2.2 MATLAB中最优化函数设计方法的介绍--4

          2.2.1 无约束最优化--4

          2.2.2 约束最优化-11

          2.2.3 MATLAB内置最优化函数--13

    第三章 给定参数圆柱齿轮减速器的传统设计--16

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