



    毕业论文关键词: 小型机械手;圆柱座标;气动; 


    This article is about the robot, the robot through the presentation as well as the meaning of what the robot is made of several parts and describes the types and robots.And this requires a robot, I will describe other aspects of its drive.

    In this paper, through the improvement of the coordinate system of the form and the number of degrees of freedom manipulator and various technical parameters to determine the overall design of the robot. Meanwhile, in a clear design of the mechanical hand clamp structure, by mechanical stress analysis of the structure of the hand and wrist rotation of the rotating cylinder to calculate the drive torque required to drive. To design the structure of the robot arm.

    Through the determined technical parameters, determined using a pneumatic conveying. Pneumatic pressure as the drive is drive to arm movement. Its main features are: a very convenient media sources - air, it is the gift of nature, we can take advantage of, and its output power is small, very fast pneumatic action, simple structure and low cost. So generally catch weight of 30 kg or less, its structure than the hydraulic manipulator is bigger, therefore the design meets our robot.

    Keywords:  small manipulator; Cylindrical coordinates; Pneumatic;

    目  录                      

    第一章 绪论 9


    1.2机械手在生产中的应用  9

    1.3 机械手的组成概述 9

    1.3.1执行机构 10

    1.3.2驱动机构 11

    1.4机械手的发展趋势  12

    1.  5 课题的提出及主要任务 12

       1.5.1课题的产生 12

       1.5.2气动技术的优点 13

       1.5.3 课题的主要任务 14

    第二章  机械手的设计方案 15

    2.1  机械手的座标形式与自由度 15

    2.2  机械手结构设计方案 15

    2.3  机械手手腕结构设计方案 15

    2.4  机械手手臂结构设计方案 16

    2.5  机械手驱动程序设计方案 16

    2.6 机械手主要参数16

    第三章 机械手手部结构设计  18

    3.1  夹持手部结构 18

      3.1.1  夹持手部结构   18

    3.1.2  手指形状及分类   18

    3.1.3 手部夹紧气缸设计  19

    3.2  尺寸的确定 20

      3.2.1 夹紧力及驱动力的计算 20

      3.2.2气缸的直径 22

      3.2.3缸筒壁厚的设计  23

    3.3  机械手手抓夹持精度的分析计算  24

    第四章 机械手腕部设计计算   26

    4.1 手腕的自由度  26

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