    关键词  数字口腔  修复体  口腔测量  CAD/CAM  性能检测毕业设计说明书(论文)外文摘要
    Title  Analysis of Domestic and Foreign Research and Application Status of Digital Oral High Precision Medical Equipment  
    For further understanding the domestic and foreign research and application status of digital oral high precision medical equipment, this paper will do detailed investigation of domestic and foreign digital oral high precision medical equipment from three aspects: the oral measurement system, the prosthesis CAD/CAM system and the system of prosthesis performance testing. I read characteristic,searched in the internet and visited the dentist. Then show my own idea after various of studies and analysis.The results show that the high performance digital oral medical equipment has been monopolized by foreign on market at present, and our country there is no special system for oral measurement, design, processing and detecting. What’s more, due to the late beginning at home and foreign systems are closed-end and integration structure, domestic scholars is difficult to master the key technology. Therefore there are technical bottlenecks in the system accuracy and efficiency. It requires the joint efforts of the majority of scholars.
    Keywords  digital oral  prosthesis  oral measurement  CAD/CAM  performance test
    目   次

    1  绪论    1
    1.1  医疗器械行业现状分析    1
    1.2  数字口腔高精度医疗装备亟待发展    3
    1.3  本文选题意义及章节设置    5
    2  基于口腔复杂微生物环境的快速高精测量系统    7
    2.1  国内外口腔测量系统发展现状    7
    2.2  国内外口腔测量系统研究与应用分析    14
    2.3  结论    15
    3  复杂微小修复体CAD/CAM系统    17
    3.1  制作修复体的典型制作方法    17
    3.2  国内外口腔修复体CAD/CAM系统发展现状    19
    3.3  国内外修复体CAD/CAM系统研究与应用现状分析    26
    3.4  结论    27
    4  口腔修复体性能检测系统    28
    4.1  修复体性能检测国内外研究现状    29
    4.2  国内外口腔修复体性能检测试验机研发现状分析    30
    4.3  结论    33
    5  总结与展望    34
    致  谢    36
    参 考 文 献    37
    1  绪论    
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    1.1.1  全球医疗器械市场总体分析
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