



    2)使用CATIA V5的三维公差及注释标注(3D Functional Tolerancing& Annotations)功能模块对柴油机关键件进行数字化定义。





    Currently digital definition technology is not only being vigorously developed, but also getting various industries to efficiently applied, varying degrees, and it also changed the manufacturing industry works. Whether the product design or method of passing judgment, the product definition of digital technology have gone through the process of a single hand-drawing from the beginning, followed by the development of two-dimensional CAD technology, and then three-dimensional modeling technology, which finished from flat projection to the full three-dimensional solid model of digital product definition and finally a huge change. So far, the definition of digital products have a great extent dependent on the technology of computer application system to complete the product performance and manufacturing capacity analysis and verification. Meanwhile, with the computer and CNC machining technology, digital technology is largely defined shorten the product development cycle, improve the quality.

    For the above situation, consider the critical parts of the structure of marine diesel engine characteristics, to meet the GB/T24734 series, under the premise of CATIA software platform under three key pieces of marine diesel engines for digital definition. This work is mainly:

    1) In the CATIA three-dimensional software platform, complete a specifical key pieces of diesel-D model. Three-dimensional model for the establishment of components for assembly and simulation

    2) Using CATIA V5 dimensional tolerances and notes marked (3D Functional Tolerancing & Annotations) function module key parts of diesel engine digitize definition.

    3) Geometric and non-geometric information manufacturing information operations management.

    4) Develop a three-dimensional model to Parts Piston parametric design for the object.

    Key words: Digital definition; Diesel key pieces; Dimensional model; CATIA platform; Annotation;


    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 课题研究背景 1

    1.2 课题研究的现状 1

    1.2.1 国内全三维模型的数字化定义技术研究现状 1


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