
    关键词   滚动直线导轨   静载荷   测试台  结构设计  
    Title   The Structural Design of the Static Load Test Platform for Linear Rolling Guides
    In the process of mechanical industrial automation, linear rolling guide have already became an indispensable guide components or features in machine tools, precision instruments, industrial robot.
    According to the structural features of linear rolling guide and international standards on the definition of the static load, a simple measurement of static load has been determined ,and the static load test has been designed by the overall structural. And then determine the scope of application of the test platform designed for the selection and design of the parts, and to determine the specific size and select the appropriate force sensor and contact displacement sensors.
    In the entire structural design process, the three-dimensional model of the static load test platform has been set up, and the corresponding two-dimensional drawings have been drawn. Under meeting its function the shape of the structure of the static load test platform also has been Optimized. The strength and hardness of the key components should be checked.
    Keywords   Linear rolling guide    Static load    Test platform   Structural design
     目   录
    1    绪论    1
    1.1  滚动直线导轨的结构特点及性能    1
    1.2  滚动直线导轨的国内外发展现状    2
    1.3  滚动直线导轨的载荷及寿命研究概况    3
    2  静载荷测试方法    5
    2.1  额定静载荷    5
    2.2  测试方法    6
    2.3  加载方式的分析    7
    3  静载荷测试台方案    10
    3.1  总体设计    10
    3.2  主要功能实现及关键零部件技术要求    11
    4  静载荷测试台零部件的选型及校核    14
    4.1  测试对象    14
    4.2  丝杠的选用    15
    4.3  伺服电机    17
    4.4  传动装置    18
    4.5  传感器的选用    24
    4.6  碟簧    27
    4.7  试验平台校核    28
    4.8  轴、键等零件校核    30
    结  论    31
    致  谢    33
    参 考 文 献    35
    附 录    36
    1    绪论
    1.1  滚动直线导轨的结构特点及性能
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