     关键词  进给系统  静动态特性  ANSYS
    Title    The test system design of static and dynamic
        characteristics of scrolling support linear feed
    The feed system is a key part of Numerical Control Machine Tool. The dynamic characters of feed transmission parts not only directly affect working capability and machining precision of a machining tool,but also influence orientation precision of feed system .
    Ball screw mechanism is common used in Numerical Control Machine Tool.In this paper, we take ball screw feed system as an example. First, we briefly discuss the static and dynamic characteristics of feed system at domestic and international position. Second, we use software Pro/e to finish the design, verification and modeling of the components of test system. Third, do modal analysis on the table, the base and the ball screw, and do static analysis of the ball screw with software ANSYS to see its buckling under axial force. Four, design the dynamic test system of feed system by selecting the incentives, arranging the incentive points and selecting relevant sensor to complete overall modeling of the test system.
    Keywords  Feed system   Static and dynamic characteristics   ANSYS
     目  次
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    研究背景及课题来源    1
    1.2    进给系统静动态特性的研究现状    1
    1.3    本文研究内容    3
    2    滚动支承直线进给系统静动态特性测试试验台设计    4
    2.1    试验台底座设计    4
    2.2    工作台设计    5
    2.3    滚动直线导轨选型计算    7
    2.4    滚动丝杠副选型计算    10
    2.5    滚动轴承选型计算    13
    2.6    伺服电动机校核    16
    2.7    联轴器选型计算    17
    3    直线进给系统静动态特性测试系统有限元建模与动态分析    19
    3.1    ANSYS软件简介    19
    3.2    ANSYS模态分析    19
    3.2.1    滚珠丝杠模态及压杆静力分析    20
    3.2.2    底座模态分析    24
    3.2.3    工作台模态分析    28
    4    直线进给系统动态特性测试系统及装置研制    32
    4.1    实验测试系统总体设计    32
    4.2    测试系统各单元选用    32
    4.2.1    激励系统    32
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