





    Abstract This paper expounds the development of Marine valve field, including trends of development and directions of development. It stresses the important role of valve in all walks of life and researches the current situation of the valve at home and abroard. Directing to the problem of domestic research on valve with more time-consuming, consumables, puts forward the idea of parametrization design and manufacturing .

        With the rapid development of the petroleum, chemical industry, production plant growing demand valve applications are becoming increasingly common..The valve is one of the various sectors of the national economy indispensable fluid equipmentit is an important component parts of the petrochemical industry in the pipes, equipment,it’s used a lot, Involves a wide variety of complex, Its quality, the technological level of products are directly related to device security, balance, long-term operation, the safe production of various user departments, economic efficiency and long-term development. The writer investigates and studies according to the current domestic production of valve and puts forward the idea of parametrization design and manufacture of the valve in full mastery of the material.The auther ues Solidworks software as tools,the use of parameterized modeling theory realizes the modeling of the valve.the implementation of parameterized modeling can reduce the design time of similar products,shorten the development cycle of the same kind of product ,reduce the cost of production. 

    This thesis aims to trying and doing some exploration methods of parametrization design and manufacture for the valve. This paper focuses on the study of theory, such as, applying to practical production needs further experiments and analysis research. But this paper presents the thought of parametrization design and manufacture, which will promote the valve exploration and utility of modern design method .

    Keywords: check valve, parametrization modeling,marine valve

    目  录

    第一章 绪论··1

    1.1 阀门简介···1

    1.2 国内外阀门产品发展概况及发展趋势····1

        1.2.1 国内阀门产品的发展概况····1

    1.2.2 国外阀门产品的发展概况····2

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