





    In most SMEs CNC milling parameter selection, the majority of CNC technicians are often determined based on their experience, led to the selection of the cutting parameters are conservative, milling efficiency is low, as well as CNC milling machine itself is difficult to give full play to the advantages, if you select the cutting parameters is too low or unreasonable various combinations of parameters, easily lead to the cutting efficiency is low, affecting the progress of the workshop and business benefits. Therefore, the CNC milling parameters were optimized to improve production efficiency, reduce production costs is an important means.

    In this thesis, medium and low speed milling for the study, in-depth study of the milling dynamics and simulation optimization related issues, by hammering test, transfer function analysis, modal identification obtained with the machine tool modal parameters for parameter optimization system dynamics simulation optimization tool modal files through mathematical modeling and analysis to deal with existing process parameters, in kinetic experiments and simulation studies based on the cutting parameters of the milling process optimization.

    Finally, before and after optimization of the experimental data into the metal forming simulation software, by comparing simulation results before and after optimization, arrive at the optimum cutting process parameters. Finally, in the reasonable parameters, based on the milling parameters to avoid the processing of unreasonable damage to the tool, the processing efficiency is low.

    Keywords: Kinetic experiments;cutting parameters optimization;Head;Deform-3D


    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1 论文研究的目的与意义 1

    1.2 切削参数优化技术的发展情况 2

    1.2.1 国外研究情况 2

    1.2.2 国内研究情况 4

    1.3 主要研究内容 6

    第二章  缸盖零件参数优化总体方案设计 7

    2.1 柴油机缸盖零件的优化对象确定 7

    2.1.1 缸盖零件的特征分析 7

    2.1.2 缸盖零件加工工序的确定与分析 7

    2.2 铣削加工参数优化方案设计

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