

    毕业论文关键词: 换热器;稀氨水;波纹管

    Design of dilute ammonia absorber

    Abstract: In today's industrial demand in China, the heat exchanger in various industrial areas in the demand is very wide. Dilute ammonia water as a common material in industry, the industry commonly used in textile printing and dyeing, agriculture can be used as a fertilizer; medicine is also commonly used as a disinfectant. Therefore, the demand for dilute ammonia is huge, so how to reduce the process of preparation of dilute ammonia, it is required to use the heat exchanger to dissipate heat .Shell and tube heat exchanger is the most commonly used one. And for the economy and structural stability, in the traditional shell and tube heat exchanger based, heat exchange tube was improved, the bellows tube as the heat transfer. The utility model has the advantages of high heat transfer coefficient, high temperature resistance, strong anti fouling ability, and high heat transfer coefficient. The stress distribution is uniform, and the corrosion prevention ability is strong. Because of its special material, can reduce the weight of equipment, but also can reduce costs, improve the economy. 

    Key Words:  heat exchanger; dilute ammonia water; corrugated pipe 

     目 录

    1绪论 1

     1.1 课题由来

     1.2 波纹管换热器简介 1

      1.1.1 波纹管的传热机理 1

      1.1.2 波纹管换热器的技术优势 2

    2 热力计算 5

     2.1 物性参数 4

     2.2 热量衡算 4

     2.3 流动空间及速度的测定 4

     2.4 计算总传热系数 5

     2.5 换热器核算 5

     2.6阻力计算 8

      2.6.1管程压力降 8

      2.6.2壳程压力降 9

     2.7 换热器热力参数及工艺参数数据表 10

    3 稀氨水冷却器主体结构设计 15

     3.1 选择材料 15

     3.2 壳体、管箱壳体和封头的厚度 15

      3.2.1 壳体厚度的计算 15

      3.2.2管箱的壁厚计算 17

     3.3折流板 21

      3.3.1 折流板的形式 21

      3.3.2 折流板缺边位置尺寸 21

      3.3.3 折流板的布置

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