

    毕业论文关键词: 注塑模具;注射机;斜导柱侧抽芯

    Process Analysis and Mold Design of Instrument Shell

    Abstract: This design is mainly aimed at the design of the injection mould for the instrument shell. Through the plastic parts for analysis and structure analysis of the process, according to the requirement of the plastic parts of the structure characteristics and specific molding, institutional form of mold cavity and core mechanism, gating system and exhaust system, parting surface, film removing structure, cooling system and a mold related parameters of checking all have detailed design.. And injection equipment also need to use properly, to ensure that the shape of the instrument casing to achieve the technical indicators. This text introduces the structure and working principle of the injection mold for the instrument shell. The mold cavity of the mold is selected in one mode and two cavities, and the inclined guide pillar core pulling mechanism is adopted to ensure that the mold structure is reasonable and the operation is reliable. Through the mold design shows that the mold can meet the requirements of quality and processing technology. 

    Key words: Injection mold; Injection machine; Inclined guide pillar core-pulling

    目  录

    1  引言  1

    2  塑件成型工艺的可行性分析  3

    2.1  塑件结构分析3

    2.2  塑件成型工艺分析4

    2.3  塑件材料分析4

    2.3.1  ABS+PC的成型特性与工艺参数4

    2.3.2  收缩率 4

    2.4  ABS+PC的注射成型过程及工艺参数4


    3.1  注射成型机的选择6

    3.1.1  估算零件体积和投影面积6

    3.1.2  锁模力6

    3.1.3  选择注射机及注射机的主要参数6

    3.2  注塑机的校核7

    3.3  开模行程校核8

    3.4  模架的选择8

    3.5  成型腔数的确定9

    4  浇注系统的设计10

    4.1  浇注系统的作用10

    4.2  浇注系统的组成10

    4.3  主流道设计10

    4.4  浇口设计11


    5.1  分型面的设计12

    5.1.1  分型面的分类12

    5.1.2  分型面的选择原则12

    5.1.3  分型面的确定12

    5.2  型腔的分布13

    5.3  凹模的结构设计13

    5.4  凸模的结构设计13

    5.5  模具成型零件的工作尺寸计算14

    6  排气系统的设计16

    6.1  排气不良的危害16

    6.2  排气系统的设计方法16

    7  导向与脱模机构的设计17

    7.1  导向机构的作用和设计原则17

    7.1.1  导向机构的作用17

    7.1.2  导向机构的设计原则17

    7.2  导柱、导套的设计17

    7.2.1  导柱的设计18

    7.2.2  导套的设计18

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