



    Abstract The shipbuilding is a comprehensive industry, it has the characteristic of a wide range of operations, large manpower demand, and a long design and production cycle. The production design of ship is a very important part of ship design, and it is also the core content of realizing modern shipbuilding mode. The modern shipbuilding is guided by the theory of overall planning and optimizing principles. It is applied by the group technology, guided by intermediate products and produced by regional organization hull, outfitting and painting integration, realization design, production, management integration, balanced, continuous assembly shipbuilding. The correct and reasonable production design not only reduces the cost of production management, shortens the construction period but also improves the quality of the ship construction, and bring better economic benefits for the shipyard. 

    This article is about the shipbuilding design for production is mainly based on the side tank cabin S14P/S of 80500DWT liquid bulk cargo ship, principles for the preparation of construction technology, propose construction scheme and construction essentials. Draw the sectional structure map ,the puzzle map, the rings hanging maps and parts list.

    keywords: Liquid Bulk Cargo Ship; Production Design; Modern Shipbuilding 

    目   录

    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1 研究的背景 1

    1.2 研究的意义 3

    1.3 国内外研究现状 3

    1.3.1 国外研究现状 3

    1.3.2 国内研究现状 4

    1.4 研究的内容及要求 5

    1.4.1 研究的内容 5

    1.4.2 研究的要求 6

    第二章  散货船的概述 7

    2.1 散货船的定义 7

    2.2 散货船的分类 7

    2.3 散货船的特点 8

    2.4 散货船的发展现状 8

    2.5 散货船的发展趋势 9

    第三章  80500DWT液散货船船体生产设计准备 11

    3.1 80500DWT液散货船概况 11

    3.2 承建船厂生产能力 11

    3.3 船舶建造方案与原则 12

    第四章  80500DWT液散货船S14P/S舷侧分段施工要领 13

    4.1 S14P/S舷侧分段的建造方案和方法 13

    4.2 船体结构理论线位置

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