

    本文以某型反鱼雷火箭弹药为背景,主要研究硬杀伤反鱼雷战斗部技术。在水下爆炸理论计算经验公式估算基础上,完成了反鱼雷火箭弹子母战斗部的结构设计,确定了战斗部的结构特征数,并基于ANSYS/LS-DYNA软件对战斗部的水下爆炸威力进行了数值仿真。将目标鱼雷等效成6.5mm厚铝合金带壳炸药,建立了水下爆炸有限元模型,分析了战斗部对鱼雷壳体的永久变形作用以及战斗部装药爆炸冲击波对鱼雷装药的冲击起爆作用,并完成了战斗部对鱼雷的硬毁伤效果评估毕业论文关键词  反鱼雷  ANSYS/LS-DYNA  火箭子母战斗部  水下爆炸冲击起爆


    Title    Structural Design of a rocket dual warhead        

    Abstract With the development of intelligent torpedoes, which can effectively deal with a variety of soft-kill means ,consequently ,the surface ships and submarines will encounter much greater threat. In order to eliminate the growing threat,it is hard time to development the methods to destroy the upcoming torpedoes by lethal damaging.  

     In this paper,against the background of anti-torpedo rockets,the hard-kill warhead technology to withstand torpedo was researched. The structure design anti-torpedo rocket shrapnel warhead has been completed,and the parameter of structural features of the warhead has been determined.What’s more,numerical simulation about the underwater explosion on account of ANSYS/LS-DYNA was accomplished.The target was equivalent to the shelled torpedo explosives,whose thickness was 6.5mm.In addition,a finite element model has been built.The permanent deformation of the shell of torpedo and the  shock initiation ,caused by blast wave which was produced by the filling of warhead,were regarded as research objects.Lastly,the hard damage effect on the torpedo has been assessed.

    Keywords anti-torpedo  ANSYS/LS-DYNA   rocket shrapnel warhead  shock initiation

    1  绪论 1

    1.1 军事需求分析 1

    1.2反鱼雷火箭弹国内外研究及应用现状 1

    1.3  水下爆炸威力的研究现状 3

    1.4  本文的主要研究内容 4

    2. 水下爆炸及其冲击起爆相关理论介绍 6

    2.1 水下冲击波的形成及特点 6

    2.2 水中冲击波理论计算 6

    2.3 殉爆理论 8

    2.4 本章小结 9

    3  水下爆炸威力的数值模拟 10

    3.1  ANSYS/LS-DYNA简介 10

    3.2 LS-DYNA基本算法 11

    3.3材料模型及反应速率模型的选取 13

    3.4  圆柱形装药水下爆炸压力时程的数值模拟 16

    3.5 圆柱形装药水下爆炸对铝合金平板的作用 21

    3.6 本章小结 27

    4  反鱼雷战斗部的结构设计 28

    4.1 设计要求 28

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