



    毕业论文关键词  脉冲发动机试验  旋转试验台  推力、压力测试  结构设计   


    Title     Design of Experiment Platform for Pulse Engine   


    When the design of pulse engine is completed, we should do the ground test to ensure that the test data conform to the design. Propulsion and pressure are two important parameters during engine operation, also the main of the engine test.

    As currently used test platform are designed to measure the static parameter of pulse engine, the state of the rotating pulse engine can’t be measured. The rotating experiment platform is designed to test the rotating state work force and pressure.

    In this paper, with the background task to design a rotating experiment platform, to test the propulsion and pressure at one time. Raise measurement methods and according to the characteristics and requirements of the test, complete the structure design. The entire platform is pided into support systems, rotary test bed systems, power systems, measurement systems and ignition systems, design the function of each system, component structure size design calculations, and complete the assembly drawings.

    Keywords  test-bed of pulse engine;propulsion and pressure test;  structure design   

    目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景 1

    1.2  国内外研究现状 1

    1.3  本文主要研究内容 2

    2  脉冲发动机旋转试验台的工作原理 3

    2.1  脉冲发动机旋转试验台机的测量原理 3

    2.2  试验台的工作原理图 3

    2.3  传感器的布置 5

    2.4  脉冲发动机安装方案 5

    3  脉冲发动机试验台的设计 7

    3.1  引言 7

    3.2  试验台的设计要求 7

    3.3  试验台的组成 7

    3.4  支撑系统的设计 8

    3.4.1  基础平台的设计 8

    3.4.2  支撑板的设计 9

    3.4.3  立柱的设计 9

    3.5  旋转试验平台系统的设计 10

    3.5.1  旋转托盘的设计

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