

    毕业论文关键词: 双层板   方盒件    拉深成形    有限元分析


    Title  Analysis and Optimization Of Two-tier Square Box Drawing Process Based on Finite Element Analysis                                            


    Because of the multilayer boards have weight loss and vibration damping feature, it has been widely used in automobile parts and cover. Firstly, the research status of multilayer boards is analyzed. Then based on the finite element analysis of metal forming processes research methods, by PRO/E and the finite element software Dynaform, the digital stamping process modeling and dynamic simulation of two-tier square box is carried out. Then using single factor method and orthogonal experiment, influences the forming results were found out by changing the die corner, thickness ratio of inside and outside plates, the friction factor, punch speed, and BHF. The two-tier square box stamping process was researched. The basic on researching the complex geometry parts stamping process was established.

    Keywords:square box,two-tier board,drawing processing ,finite element analysis 


    1绪论 5

    1.1  研究目的和研究意义 5

    1.2  国内外研究现状 6

    1.2.1双层及多层金属板成形工艺的研究现状 6

    1.2.2  国内外对方盒件及有限元分析的研究现状 7

    1.3  本课题研究的主要内容 9

    1.4  本文组织结构 10

    2双层盒件成形及有限元分析的理论基础 11

    2.1  双层盒件拉深成形的特点 11

    2.2  材料模型的建立 12

    2.2.1  模型建立的基础 12

    2.2.2 板材选择的刚度问题 12

    2.2.3 摩擦状况及控制 13

    2.3  双层盒件成形的缺陷 14

    2.4  解决措施 15

    3.双层盒件的有限元建模 18

    3.1  材料模型的尺寸确定 18

    3.2  有限元模型的建立 19

    3.3 刚性几何曲面和网格化 21

    3.4  约束和载荷的施加 22

    3.5  各因素的判据 24

    4.单因素模拟试验分析 26

    4.1  定量因素的计算确定 26

    4.2  单因素的选择

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