

    毕业论文关键词  项目成本管理 管理实践 方法改进 投资分析


    Title   Investment analysis and cost management of the FSC     contest NUT team project                                                 

    Abstract   In recent years, as a emerging application within the context of management discipline, many directions of project management are getting more widespread concern. University research as a kind of project, which distinguished from the traditional form of commercial projects, is particularity. The students practice research also shows increasing trend year by year, but this aspect of the project management is not yet mature, there are many deficiencies. The thesis is based on the topic of such research projects, focus on the relative theory of cost management from the project, combined with the project investment analysis which is associated with the costs, focus on practice cases of project of FSC contest NUT team, lucubrate and explore resource planning, cost estimating and budgeting, cost control, methods of operation and related processes of the implementation process of the project, while analyze the "reduplicate procurement" issue which is appearing on management practice, then provide improved scientific methods, and try to make a comparative analysis to validate the method is correct. Finally offer a few suggestions of post-project investments. The entire research process combination of industrial engineering theories and tools, by summing the cost of research management experience of students practice project, put forward valuable suggestions to late similar projects.

    Keywords Project cost management Practices Improve management Investment analysis


    1  引言 1

    1.1研究背景与意义 1

    1.2国内外研究现状 1

    1.3研究内容与目的 2

    1.4论文组织结构 3

    2  相关理论体系概述 5

    2.1项目概述 5

    2.2项目管理 5

    2.3项目投资分析管理 6

    2.4项目成本管理 6

    2.4.1资源计划 7

    2.4.2成本估算 8

    2.4.3成本预算 8


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