

    毕业论文关键词  灭火  气动  灭火弹  机载


    Title  A kind of airborne fire extinguishing device structure design of the projectile


    To solve the problem of high-rise fire, can rely on to improve the lifting height of fire vehicle, it is the system stability, safety and environmental requirements and other factors and fire extinguishing bomb and its emission system device patents are also scattered reports, but more for forest fire fighting, shooting accuracy is not high, in most cases less life form. The use of high precision in the high-rise building fire extinguishing bomb is not reported. For city high-rise building fire extinguishing bomb has convenient transportation, flexible use, high accuracy, good fire extinguishing effect, without causing two damage characteristics of this report.

    Keywords  outfire  pneumatic  fire exting uishing bomb  airborne   

    1  引言 1

    1.1  灭火弹 1

    1.2  灭火弹发射装置的研究现状 2

    1.2.1  国外研究现状 2

    1.2.2  国内研究现状 3

    1.3  设计内容与目的 4

    2  发射系统结构设计 5

    2.1  定向器设计与计算 5

    2.1.1  定向器长度计算 7

    2.1.2  尾部拉瓦尔喷管尺寸计算 8

    2.1.3  关于无后坐力的计算 11

    2.2  灭火弹在定向器内的位置 12

    2.3  高压气瓶,气阀和闭气环 13

    2.4  灭火弹 13

    2.5  联装框 14

    2.6  重量估算 16

    3  灭火弹发射装置关键零部件分析 17

    3.1  有限元分析法 17

    3.1.1  有限元基本思想 17

    3.1.2  有限元设计方法 19

    3.1.3  有限元分析法的应用优点 20

    3.2  ABAQUS 20

    3.3  定向器有限元分析 21

    3.3.1  定向器有限元模型的建立 21

    3.3.2 网格划分 21

    3.3.3  载荷条件 22

    3.3.4  结果分析 22

    4  灭火弹发射装置设计结果 23

    结  论 25

    致  谢 26


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