

    本设计采用单独的PCI接口芯片PCI9052实现PCI总线的接口逻辑控制,采用FPGA来实现逻辑电路,将复杂的PCI总线逻辑转换成相对简单的局部总线,实现了基于ISA总线的数据采集系统向基于PCI总线的数据采集系统的直接转换,简化了硬件设计、缩短了研制周期。    61465 


    毕业论文关键词  智能化超微心电图  PCI总线  局部总线  数据采集  设备驱动


    Title Development of intelligent ultra-ECG data acquisition system


    In this thesis, the intelligent ultra-ECG dedicated PCI bus-based data acquisition system, including hardware circuit and the data acquisition system device drivers.

    The design uses a single PCI interface chip PCI9052 to achieve PCI bus interface logic control, the use of FPGA to implement the logic circuit, the complex PCI bus logic to convert a relatively simple local bus, ISA bus-based data acquisition system based on PCI direct conversion of the bus data acquisition system, simplifying the hardware design, shorten the development cycle.

    The data acquisition system 16-channel timing data acquisition, which feature the front end circuit adjusts the gain control, experimental verification has good technical indicators show that the data acquisition system, capable of Advanced Micro Devices, ECG special applications.

    Keywords  Intelligent ultra-ECG PCI bus Local bus Data acquisition  Device driver

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  论文研究背景及意义[ 1

    1.2  国内外研究现状 2

    1.3  论文主要工作 3

    2  数据采集系统方案设计 4

    2.1  数据采集系统设计任务书及技术要求 4

    2.2  数据采集系统的总体结构设计 4

    2.3  外设部件互联(PCI)总线 5

    2.4  本章小结 14

    3 数据采集系统硬件电路设计 15

    3.1  总体设计 15

    3.2  数据采集模块 15

    3.3  FPGA模块 20

    3.4  PCI接口模块 29

    3.5  本章小结 30

    4  数据采集系统驱动程序设计 31

    4.1  WDM驱动程序概述 31

    4.2  数据采集模块驱动程序设计与实现 33

    5  硬件调试与测试 41

    5.1  AD转换测试 41

    5.2  A/D采样频率测试 42

    5.3  数据采集模块的应用 43

    5.4  本章小结 44

    结  论

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