



    毕业论文关键词:LED蓝宝石   生产线平衡   物料监控  生产线布局  


    Title LED sapphire substrate production line optimization

    Abstract With the growing demand for LED lighting market soaring demand for sapphire is also rising. The topics to Nanjing, J- crystal Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. LED sapphire substrate production line as the research object, its production line layout, material control, production line balancing to optimize the design and other aspects of research, the main contents are as follows:

         According to Beijing Optoelectronics Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Nanjing PW board production line production capacity exists, the layout is unreasonable, imperfect process design, equipment utilization needs to be improved status quo, focusing on the company PW production line capacity, personnel action to improve the production line process planning , step beats, material control carried out a detailed analysis of the status quo and for a critical problem.

    Analysis of existing production line with corporate expectations and achieve comparison, according to the production line and the characteristics of the product and make the appropriate improvements, such as a site, the site within the layout adjustment, process restructuring and process design part of the site, at the same time on the production line for monitoring use of materials, to achieve optimal production, cost bidirectional targets.

    Key words:LED sapphire    Line Balancing   Material control     Production line layout

    目 次

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 选题背景及意义 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状 1

    1.2.1 LED蓝宝石衬底基板生产现状及发展趋势 1

    1.2.2 LED蓝宝石衬底基板制造生产线研究现状 2

    1.2.3 工业工程方法在生产线优化中的应用现状分析 3

    1.2.4 工业工程方法概念简述 3

    1.3 论文主要内容 5

    2 生产线现状分析 6

    2.1 PW基板制造生产线基本情况 6

    2.2 生产线布局及各站点内部设备、物料布局分析 7

    2.2.1  PW衬底基板制造生产线整体布局 7

    2.2.2  PW衬底基板制造生产线各站点布局及其问题分析 8

    2.3 小结 18

    3 生产线产能及平衡性分析

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