




    毕业论文关键词  伺服平台,控制算法,DSP,CPLD,电路图,PCB


    Title    The Design of Three-Cylinder Platform Servo Control System                       

    Abstract  This article mainly studies on the servo platform of one active-protection system. First, investigation of servo platforms and control systems is done, and the advantages and disadvantages of various servo platforms and control systems at home and abroad are analyzed. Then the design of structure and control system of the servo platform is discussed.

        According to functional requirements of this active-protection system, the mechanical structure of the servo platform is designed, and its degrees of freedom is analyzed, MATLAB is used to carry out the optimization of design parameters, and the reasonable selection of drive element is selected. Also this platform is modeled mathematically, and the transformation matrix is carried out.

        Then the control system is designed, including the hardware and software design. The coprocessor architecture is selected as the controller, making full use of DSP`s (TMS320F28335) computing power and CPLD`s (EPM1270T144) features of multiple interfaces and strong logical ability. High - speed parallel ADC is chosen to sample signal , and arrays of optically coupled isolators are used to isolate high voltage and low voltage control districts, and fets are selected to amplify the control signal to control the moving of the cylinder. Also the schematic and PCB of the control system is designed and then the control board is created. In addition, control algorithm in C language and VHDL language is written which can be run in DSP and CPLD respectively. Communication protocol between DSP and CPLD and all models in CPLD are carried out,too.

        Finally, tests are taken, including test of communication module, data sampling module and control module.

    Keywords  Servo platform, Servo platform, Control algorithm, DSP, CPLD, Schematic diagram, PCB

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题研究背景 1

    1.2 伺服平台的发展及应用现状 1

    1.3 伺服平台控制系统的发展及应用现状 3

    1.4 课题来源和论文的主要研究内容 3

    1.5 本章小结 4

    2 伺服平台机械结构 5

    2.1 伺服平台的组成结构及作用

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