


    毕业论文关键词  星务计算机   数据接口  ARM7处理器  调试


    Title     Hardware Design of On-board Computer   for a 2U CubeSat                                

    Abstract CubeSat is a standard platform, and has the advantages of low cost, short development cycle, and flexible launch. At present, the foreign development is rapid and wide applicated, and the technology is relatively mature, while the domestic is still in development stage. On-board computer as the core parts of the CubeSat is responsible for attitude determination and control, satellite communication, data processing and storage functions and other important tasks. 

    In this paper, we choose the high-performance and low-power processor of ARM7 as the main processor, with the expansion of SRAM and ROM. This computer can acquire and process on-board data through the interface of USART、I2C、SPI. This article illustrates the design of a sampled on-board computer. Specifically, the designer of fundamental blueprint and PCB design is discussed, followed by hardware debugging. This article serves as a solid base for the R&D of sampled engineering computer.

    Keywords  On-board computer  Data interface  ARM7 processor  Debug

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  立方体纳卫星概述 1

    1.2  QB50项目背景 1

    1.3  星务计算机概述 2

    1.4  主要研究内容 4

    2  NJUST-1双单元立方星研制任务介绍 5

    2.1  卫星研制的目的和意义 5

    2.2  CUBESAT设计标准 6

    2.3  卫星轨道 7

    2.4  NJUST-1卫星系统 8

    2.5  卫星携带的科学载荷 13

    2.6  本章小结 15

    3  星务计算机设计 16

    3.1  硬件设计要求 16

    3.2  CPU模块设计 17

    3.3  存储器模块设计 21

    3.4  外围接口设计 27

    3.5  其它电路设计 33

    3.6  星务计算机PCB板设计 35

    3.7  本章小结 37

    4  星务计算机测试 39

    4.1  最小系统模块测试 39

    4.2  存储器模块测试 41

    4.3  接口测试

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