


    毕业论文关键词:四轮转向  线性二自由度四轮转向车辆模型  操纵稳定性


    Title     The Research of the Commercial Vehicle Four Wheel Steering System              

    Abstract  With the development of modern society and technology, people attach importance to road safety. In order to guarantee safety, auto control stability should also be valued. Four-wheel steering technology is a kind of technology which can change the direction both front and rear wheel, rear wheel can turn independently. At low speed, front and rear wheel turn out-of-phase, which can reduce automobile turning radius, improve the mobility and flexibility of car; At high speed, t front and rear wheel turn in-phase, which can improve the car comprehensively tracking ability, improve the car driving stability.

    First, this paper briefly introduced the background and significance,summarizes the car four-wheel steering system in recent years both at home and abroad present research situation and development trend, this paper expounds the main research work. Second, set a linear 2-d four-wheel steering model, establish the tire cornering characteristics of nonlinear model, in matlab/simulink flat, we established the nonlinear second freedom four-wheel steering vehicle model. Third, this paper introduces the characteristics of the four-wheel steering vehicles, evaluation index of four-wheel steering control stability are analyzed, including four-wheel steering vehicle on the front step input Angle of transient and steady response, and the four-wheel steering vehicle and front wheel steering vehicle are compared, the result shows that four-wheel steering control stability is better than the front wheel steering.

    Key Words: Four Wheel Steering; The vehicle model of two degrees of freedom linear four wheel steering;control stability

     目  次1.绪论 2

    1.1.论文研究的背景和意义 2

    1.2.四轮转向技术国内外研究现状及发展趋势 3

    1.3.本论文的主要研究工作 6

    2. 车辆动力学系统建模 7

    2.1.线性二自由度四轮转向车辆模型 7

    3. 四轮转向系统转向特性研究 13

    3.1.四轮转向车辆转向特性分析 13

    3.2.四轮转向车辆操纵稳定性的理论推导及分析 17

    3.3.四轮转向汽车对前轮角阶跃输入的瞬态响应 19

    4. 二自由度四轮转向系统控制策略研究

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